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Estate, Trust & Probate


Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News

The holidays are a good time to make estate planning decisions, says Jay Nabors, a Cleveland-based attorney who focuses on estate planning. “This is the time of year when family members are visiting, so getting your affairs in order and then letting your loved ones in on the details makes good sense,” Jay advises. “Sit […]

When Your Spouse Has Debt

Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News
When Your Spouse Has Debt

Getting married to a person with student loan or any other kind of debt can complicate things. Sometimes, because one partner is a little too far into the red, the other spouse is the only one who can be on a mortgage and is therefore the only one to hold title to the house, says […]

The Cost of Distancing

Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News
The Cost of Distancing

All good intentions with handwritten wishes can become complicated when the unexpected happens. Weston Hurd partner Jay Nabors explains in “The Cost of Distancing:” With nearly everyone avoiding contact over the last year or so, people got creative with the ways they accomplished tasks typically handled in person. Zoom meetings replaced face-to-face interaction, and Door […]


Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News

The idea of guardianship (or conservatorship) took the stage recently with the coverage surrounding Britney Spears. “A guardianship comes into play when the court gets involved to determine whether or not a person is competent to make decisions regarding their health and finances,” explains Jay Nabors, a Cleveland-based attorney who focuses on estate planning. “The […]

Protection for Your Adult Child

Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News
Protection for Your Adult Child

Why it’s important for parents to have the proper documents in place before their adult children leave the nest is the topic of Weston Hurd partner Jay Nabors’ article “Protection for Your Adult Child.” Contact Information Jay Nabors – jnabors@westonhurd.com – 216.687.3205

The Will is Lost, Not Found

Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News
The Will is Lost, Not Found

If you have to find your will, would you know exactly where to look? Would your family? Weston Hurd LLP partner Jay Nabors explains the importance of having easy access to your original estate documents. https://www.mimivanderhaven.com/…/the-will-is-lost-not… Contact Information Jay Nabors – jnabors@westonhurd.com – 216.687.3205

Online Banking Pitfalls

Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News
Online Banking Pitfalls

Estate planning considerations when switching to a bank based entirely online is the topic of Weston Hurd partner Jay Nabors article “Online Banking Pitfalls.” https://www.mimivanderhaven.com/…/online-banking-pitfalls Contact Information Jay Nabors – 216.687.3205 –  jnabors@westonhurd.com


Posted on in Estate, Trust & Probate, News

According to Weston Hurd partner Jay Nabors, “If you have cryptocurrency, it’s important to have an attorney who understands how it should be passed to your decendents.” More about estate planning and cryptocurrency in: https://mimivanderhaven.com/…/willing-your-cryptocurrency Contact Information Jay Nabors – jnabors@westonhurd.com – 216.687.3205