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You Auto Know! – Let’s Call the Police

Posted on in Automotive/Transportation
You Auto Know! – Let’s Call the Police

In this issue of “You Auto Know,” Bob Poklar discusses two scenarios. Scenario No. 1 – A vehicle is delivered to a daughter and her elderly mother. After a week the sales manager calls them and states that there is a problem with the paperwork and asks them to return to the dealership with the […]

You Auto Know! Offsite Display Law

Posted on in Automotive/Transportation, News, Publications
You Auto Know! Offsite Display Law

The 130th Ohio General Assembly amended and substituted House Bill 318 to amend sections of Ohio law regarding the sale and display of motor vehicles. There are two important amendments addressed in Sections 4517.03(B)(1)(b) and (B)(1)(c) that motor vehicle dealers should be aware of. 2015 – YAK – Offsite Display Law – March

The Duties of Charity Directors

Posted on in Nonprofit, Publications
The Duties of Charity Directors

The new year is a good time to remind charities and their directors of the four basic fiduciary duties owed by a director to the charity in connection with serving on its board of directors: Duty of Care; Duty of Loyalty, Duty of Compliance, and Duty to Oversee Finances.  2015 – The Duties of Charity […]

You Auto Know! – Disclosures

Posted on in Automotive/Transportation, Publications

Disclosures: Recently, I have been reading a flurry of emails from attorneys in other states regarding disclosing the prior history of a vehicle to the consumer prior to, and during the sale of the vehicle. The majority of emails were concerned with the disclosure of the rental history of a vehicle. . . 2014 – You Auto […]

At Issue – Workplace Intentional Tort

Posted on in Appellate, Publications

Maestle and Cappel Notch Another Victory for Weston Hurd in the Ohio Supreme Court. In State ex rel. Yeaples v. Gall, Slip Opinion No. 2014 -Ohio-­4724, the Ohio Supreme Court agreed with Shawn W. Maestle and Carolyn M. Cappel’s argument that Relator, Donald Yeaples, was not entitled to either a Writ of Mandamus or Procedendo […]